expired film tricked me again#1

Okay, the expired film tricked me AGAIN!!

I exposed one roll of expired film(AGFA Optima Prestige 400) this weekend, and it just didn't work out the way I want it to be. I know I probably have too much expectation on this German-made film which has expired for 2 months (01/2007). I was expecting the tradition "AGFA" extremely blue-ish effect which didn't really happen. Instead, I got weird yellow-ish outcome when I used it sad...those were valuable moments-.@

expired film tricked me again#2

expired film tricked me again#3

expired film tricked me again#4

expired film tricked me again#5

Only got 5 okay shots out of 37... I've learned a lesson=P (but I still have 5 rolls of them..gee..)


  • Natura Black

  • AGFA Optima Prestige400(exp.01/2007)

  • Madison,WI

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